The woes of Wordpress

· rrees's blog

I have my main blog on Wordpress's commercial offering, for years I've quite enjoyed Automattic's offerings and thought they were an okay company to be doing business with but Matt Mullenweg's public freakout this year means that I probably need to find somewhere else for the content but I'm really not sure how best to deal with the legacy of historic links and then vanity URLs (in hindsight the vanity URL was probably not a good idea either although at the same time it might make the migration easier via a site redirect).

Ultimately this might be too much effort and I'm probably going to have to be paying Wordpress something even for the redirection service. I probably just need to look at where I'm putting new material and look at reducing what I am paying Automattic for.

This is very much like the 37Signals situation where owners love drama more than providing a boring service to customers.