
· rrees's blog

Flatnotes #

Flatnotes is a relatively no-fuss note taking web app that relies on search and tagging to navigate a flat file collection.

Running locally #

I use Podman instead of Docker to avoid having to run everything as root. The recommended run profile for Flatnotes seemed to get in some real difficulties with volume ownership (which I just wanted to be the local user). Podman provides a way to control the user namespace via the userns option.

You can get the UNIX user's id values via the id command.

I ended up with this command but I'm not 100% is correct or all needed. It did work as I wanted it to though.

 2podman pull docker.io/dullage/flatnotes
 4podman run -d \
 5  --userns=keep-id \
 6  --rm \
 7  -e "PUID=$(id -u <local UNIX user uid>)" \
 8  -e "PGID=$(id -g <local UNIX user gid>)" \
 9  -e "FLATNOTES_AUTH_TYPE=password" \
10  -e "FLATNOTES_USERNAME=<app username>" \
11  -e "FLATNOTES_PASSWORD=<app password> \
12  -e "FLATNOTES_SECRET_KEY=AnyRandomString" \
13  -v "<local directory root>/flatnotes-data:/data" \
14  -p "<local port number>:8080" \
15  --name flatnotes \
16  dullage/flatnotes:latest